IAM wondering what we mean by it.
and IAM unsure of what to say about it at all, except that we painstakingly discussed it
and bantered until we were able to settle in it!
Why should you care?
and why do we go to such lengths to discover it for you?
If I just list our events and calendars!
Without any love at all?
IAM giving up the chance to do it.
So IAM thinking there’s good reason for the discussion.
In addition, IAM trying to say that it is not all our idea!
It begins with the Office of Cultural Events and the City of Paterson’s theme!
IAM glad to start from somewhere you know.
“Paterson’s Magical Winter Wonderland”? Yes it is.
We seek an authentic artistic expression in it,
We want to, and we do it, or lose the chance.
And there is you.
Without you IAM nothing.
And like any good purveyor of cultural enrichment,
IAM hoping to offer something profound within the confines of our constraints.
So the “Glacial Art Magic” Show appears.
A cold, crystalline spell covers the earth.
And we rush around in it.
It is that simple.
Like magic, we change our clothes, our activities, our food, sleep and stance.
It demands reverence.
IAM astounded by the icy roads and velvety sky.
IAM miniscule again.
“Glacial Art Magic”
Crackling through the gleaming cold winter, seeping through smokey breathe IAM inspired, again!
Painting by ChildeHassam
Come out Wednesday for Ivanhoe’s
“Glacial Art Magic”
Last Wednsday “Open Mike” and Thanksgiving Night Party.
Join us, bring food and spirits for a great time at Ivanhoe
Wednesday Night November 24, 2010
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