Tag Archives: Falls Fesitval

The Great Falls Festival 2013

A Week! We have a week before the Great Falls Festival And this year we are celebrating what our ancestors did. 100 Years Ago And I asked you again, what has changed? Everything… and nothing… you say? You may be right. We rely on the people who labor somewhere.             […]

Paterson ArtWalk 2013 Continues…

  Hugo Munoz had his Artwalk in The Great Falls National Historical Park on May 26m 2013 …and the Artwalk continues…                             Paterson Artwalk Continues… Janett Rodriguez was also very generous with us: Below is her gift to the community.     […]

Happy New Year 2013!

We are starting with a bang! We have less than 12 months to impress the world or bust! In 1913… hundreds of disgruntled workers gathered together to stand against the industrial machine… they stood for what they thought was a small cause until the IWW showed them how important their demonstration would be. They stood […]

EverGreen Art Scene Labor Day Weekend 2009

IAM going to the “Evergreen Art Scene Go Green Art Show!” and IAM digging the Grand Celebration of the Great Falls National Park

Jacob’s Ladder

Ivanhoe Artist Newsletter: June 2006 IAM aspiring to great heights And so I dream about it… But what good is a dream if I don’t decipher it’s meaning? Surely there is function behind the form! If we don”t contemplate it, we lose the chance for understanding something in ourselves. Certainly for Jacob it took some […]